Welcome to the Tracking Colour objects database. It contains information on ancient artworks from the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek examined for their original polychromy.

All objects 173 objects


  • Head of a young man

    • IN 2264
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of white marble. The nose has been broken off and is missing, and the rims of the ears are badly bruised. There is an indentation in the forehead.
      Frederik Poulsen noted in his catalogue from 1951 th...

  • Portrait of Roman woman

    • IN 1492
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of white marble with a yellowish brown patina. The nose has been broken off, and the head seems to have belonged to a statue.

      Frederik Poulsen noted in his catalogue (Poulsen, 1951), that vestiges ...

  • Statue of a small boy with a water jar

    • IN 511
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The statue is made of fine-grained, white marble and has incrustations and root marks on the surface. The left arm, right arm with part of the object on the right shoulder, right leg, lower part of the left leg as wel...

  • Portrait of a Roman woman

    • IN 751
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The bust is made of white marble. The tip of the nose and the lower left part of the neck section are broken off and missing. Traces of red paint can be seen in the hair with the naked eye. On the right side of the wo...

  • Running woman

    • IN 1682
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The statue is made of Parian lychnites marble. The upper right arm and the lower left arm are missing. The head was attached with a dowel, and the front of the neck has been reworked. The statue was examined with Visi...

  • Honorary document relief. "The Bendis Relief"

    • IN 462
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief is made of white marble. The lower part of the stele has broken off, and the upper right corner is missing (might have been separately applied). Small chips on the antae and the cornice.
      Traces of the orig...

  • Head of a man

    • IN 2746
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of limestone. The tip of the nose and part of the right ear are missing.
      Traces of red colour in the hair are visible to the naked eye.

  • Portrait of a Roman woman

    • IN 834
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The bust is made of white marble with a yellowish-brown patina.
      Frederik Poulsen noted in his catalogue from 1951 (Poulsen 1951), that the surface was weathered and polished, and that the colour in the eyes was stil...